Have you even thought that Dreams may not only have an entirely different interpretation, but also bring a hidden conditioning for your mind to make Not Self decisions? If you want to discover how your Dreams affect your life, and drive you away from who you are, this Analysis can be practical and enriching for your experiment.
Dream Rave & Weak Point Analysis
When we fall asleep, our Design changes: it shifts from a 9-centered matrix to a 5-centered matrix. It means that when we are asleep, our body and mind operate in a different dimension, than when we are awake. The Dream Rave & Weak Point Analysis describes these specifics of your sleeping matrix, the nature of your dreams, and the way how you are receiving programming from the night forces.
The Weak Point is a part of this Analysis, pointing to the vulnerable areas of conditioning in your Waking Chart, and additionally programming your mind to make Not Self decisions. This Analysis will help you to better understand the way how the night forces program you, and how you can wake up as yourself in the morning.
Prerequisites: a Foundation Analysis with a certified Analyst; experimenting with your Type, Strategy & Authority; sleeping in your own aura.
A Dream Rave & Weak Point Analysis will take place in a Zoom, take circa 60-90 min, and includes the video & audio recordings, and an image of your Bodygraph. There will be time for questions.
Price: $250
How to book your Dream Rave & Weak Point Analysis
If you want to book this analysis, please, complete the form below. In your message, please provide an accurate birth time: