foundation analysis image

An Individual Foundation Analysis with an officially certified HD Analyst is the first step to get to know your nature and to begin your experiment. This Analysis lays out a foundation for your experiment with the Mechanics of your genetic map and will provide you with the following knowledge: TypeStrategy and AuthorityDefinition, and Profile. Learning and experimenting with your Type and Strategy, will help you to reduce resistance in life, and come to your natural signature of Satisfaction, Success, Peace, or Surprise. The Inner Authority is a specific place in your body, or a way to make correct and reliable decisions you can trust. Your Profile describes your role on the stage of life, and how your life purpose is fulfilled. Your Definition represents your Life Force and your True Self, while your Openness can tell how your Not-Self mind was conditioned to make decisions for you.

The Analysis takes place online in a Zoom, takes circa 60-90 minutes, and includes the video & audio recordings, and an image of your Bodygraph. There will be time for questions.

Prerequisites: accurate birth data – day, month, year, time (!), country, state (if you live in the USA, Canada, or Australia), city/town. For Projectors: birth data of significant people in their life would be a recommendation to see the source of conditioning.

Price: $250.

How to book your Foundation Analysis

If you want to book this analysis, please, complete the form below. In your message, please provide an accurate birth time:

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