Do you know that large cycles in life can bring dramatic changes and new people to you? If you want to know more about the life cycle you are approaching to, or entering, one of these Analyses can be your option.
Life Cycle Analysis
The Life Cycles Analysis shows you the “weather forecast” in various periods of your life, describing your learning and developmental orientations in life. Your natal Bodygraph never changes, but is subject to conditioning by the Planets and other aspects of these Cycles.
Solar Return: In the Solar Return session we analyze the conditioning aspects for the year ahead from your birthday. Every year of your life brings new learning opportunities and personal connections, so we are going to look at these thematics and correlate them with how you can navigate your life and this conditioning field as your True Self.
Recommended 3 months before your birthday.
Prerequisite: A Foundation Reading with a certified Analyst, and experimenting with your Strategy & Authority for a while.
The bigger Developmental Cycles
When in 1871 the Uranus was discovered, this event coincided with an ascendance of 9-centered beings whose lifespan increased to 84 years old. According to the Human Design System, the human lifetime is divided into three main cycles: the childhood till 28-30 years old – Saturn Return; the midlife point (Uranus Opposition) takes place between 38 and 44 years, and is an important turning point in life; from 28-30 years till approximately 50 years old (Kiron Return), you are in your youth. When you reach your Kiron Return, you enter into an adulthood and flowering. Each of these Cycles brings you its specific life and developmental themes for you to grow through them and fulfill your purpose.
Saturn Return: 28-32 years old
The first Saturn Return happens between 28 and 30 years old. This is the end of your childhood, and entering into your youth. This Analysis can be especially important and bring an understanding and relief to your process, if you have a 6th line in your Profile.
Recommended after you have been experimenting with your Strategy & Authority for a few years. Ideally 28-30 years (a couple of years after Saturn Return took place).
Prerequisite: Foundation Analysis with a certified Analyst, and experimenting with your Strategy & Authority for a while.
Uranus Opposition: 38-44 years old
The Uranus Opposition is a mid-life point and a significant shift in life. It takes place when Uranus comes to the opposite position of the birth position. This is the beginning of the second part of life, and we are focusing on the moving from the South Node of “breathing in” life, to the North Node of “breathing out” life.
Prerequisite: Foundation Analysis with a certified Analyst, and experimenting with your Strategy & Authority for a while.
Kiron Return: 48-52 years old
The Kiron Return takes place when the Kiron reaches its position of the moment of birth. This is the time when you enter the period of your fulfillment and flowering, expressing your Awareness and an Outer Authority, and living out as an authentic Example of Yourself.
Recommended after you have completed at least one 7-year deconditioning cycle of your experiment.
Prerequisite: Foundation Analysis with a certified Analyst, and experimenting with your Strategy & Authority for a few years.
Any Cycle Analysis will take place in a Zoom, take circa 60-90 min, and include the video & audio recordings, and an image of your Bodygraph. There will be time for questions.
Price: $375
How to book a Life Cycle Analysis
If you want to book one of the Life Cycle Analyses, please, complete a form below. In your message, please, provide an accurate birth time, and specify a kind of an Analysis you are interested in: