Image that shows different types of partnership between people

This Analysis is for you if you want to understand the dynamics of your relationships to the others, and how to overcome the dilemmas and come to an acceptance of the mechanical truth of what each of you brings to your partnership. 

Relationship/Partnership Analysis

Partnership Analysis shows mechanical nature of any relationship between two people: love relationship, friendship, relationships between a parent and a child, between siblings, business relationship between colleagues, and even between a human and an animal/pet.

As 9-centered beings, we are designed to commune with the other. And because the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts, every time you bond with the other, your Design changes and gets conditioned, once you come together in the same aura/in person.

This Analysis describes the essential dynamics of the relationship, including attraction/repulsion aspects, dilemmas, and learning themes. Talking about love relationships, we can touch upon sexuality aspects.

An aware approach and look at relationships can lead you to accepting yourself and your partner. The Partnership Analysis will take place in a Zoom, take circa 90 min, and includes the video & audio recordings, and an image of your Bodygraph. There will be time for questions.

Prerequisite: Foundation Analysis with a certified Analyst for each person, and experimenting with your Strategy & Authority for a while.

Price: $400

How to book a Relationship/Partnership Analysis

If you want to book this analysis, please, complete the form below. In your message, please provide the names and birth data (dd/mm/yyyy, accurate birth time, and place) of both partners: 

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